Outcome/output title:

Course: Training of Trainers in Mechatronics teaching completed

Ref. N°:


Starting date:

1 year M1

End date:

2 year M10

Related Assumptions

and risks:

Effective methods to interactively teach large classes and stimulate student involvement can be identified, and professors suitably trained to implement them



Activity title:

Developing a training program to interactively teach large classes

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

1 year M1

End date:

1 year M12

Description of the activity:

      A training programme for professors, assistant professors, lecturers and teaching assistants will be developed by the BUOAS and Silesian University with emphasis on student participation and interaction in large classrooms.  It will include methods to stimulate group discussions and problem based learning techniques, independent learning and critical scientific enquiry.  The feedback from the implementation and the training dissemination events will be used to continuously improve the training. Guideline documents and course description will be made available on the web, initially to all consortia partners, later on also to the general public as described in 6.2.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

BUoAS, SUT, and Mechatronics e.V.

Target group/s:

Egyptian teaching staff


Staff costs




Activity title:

Implementation of the training program: Training for trainers

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M3

End date:

Year 2 M7

Description of the activity:

      Implementation of the training programme developed in 1.1. training for at least 20 employees of the Egyptian consortia members to a sufficient degree for them to be able to practice these teaching methods and skills, and then to carry out similar training in their home institutions initially with guidance and feedback from the European experts.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

BUoAS, SUT, and Mechatronics e.V.

All Egyptian consortia members

Target group/s:

Egyptian teaching staff


Staff cost

Travel Costs

Printed course materials




Activity title:

Implementation of training: Training by trained trainers

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M5

End date:

Year 2 M9

Description of the activity:

      Practice period to integrate the skills learned in 1.2 into regular classroom teaching, practicals and seminars etc. This is then followed by the implementation of the training programme developed in 1.1, through the trainers trained in 1.2 in their home institutions, reaching at last 35 further professors and teaching staff, enabling them to effectively teach large classes and to stimulate.  The training as well as the implementation in the class rooms will be supervised by the European experts.  Feedback by students and professors on the efficacy and applicability of the methods will be sought by the experts and the co-ordination team, to adapt and further improve the training course. Structures from these activities can be sustained after the end of the project will be put in place, as described in 7.2

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

UAS Bochum and Mechatronics e.V. and all Egyptian consortia members

Target group/s:

Egyptian teaching staff and students


Staff cost

Travel Costs

Printed course materials and teaching equipment




Outcome/output title:

                Established and strengthened university - industry links

Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M3

End date:

Year 3 M9

Related Assumptions

and risks:

Strong demand of mechatronics graduates continues to be expressed by the local and international industry; demand in “new technology” capacities continues to increase among Egyptian lecturers and among foreign parties engaged in the regional education field. The successful promotion of industrial modernisation by the IMC and the reform process in Egypt continue as expected.



Activity title:

Round table discussion with industrial representatives

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M4

End date:

Year 3 M 8

Description of the activity:

Presentations on current challenges and developments by local and international industry representatives as well as round table discussions will be organised at regular intervals but not less than every 8 months. They will encourage industry - university dialogue, determine how current training needs can be satisfied and consider how this university - industry dialogue can be supported and extended through other EU activities, e.g. the industrial modernisation centre (IMC- Egypt). The IMC has kindly agreed to facilitate this activity by identifying potentially interested companies in its data base and through the provision of primary and secondary data and insights on the current needs in the Egyptian industry.  The results of the discussions will be used to initiate the adaptation and modernisation of current structures as necessary and feasible.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

E.ON Ruhrgas, LSUB

All Egyptian Consortia Partner

Target group/s:

Egyptian professors, Egyptian industry


Staff Cost

International travel




Activity title:

Student placements for work experience in industrial settings

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M10

End date:

Year 2 M12

Description of the activity:

Industrial partners will be identified which can provide internship places for students to gain practical experience through the participation in normal work procedures and as trainee in project teams.  Ways how the educators can follow the progress of the trainee and suitable methods to assess the students as well as the training will be developed and trialled. At least 250 places are expected to be found locally and an additional 6 internationally. The IMC has pledged the support this activity by using its networks to identify interested companies.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All Egyptian Consortia members

E.ON Ruhrgas, LSBU, BUoAS

Target group/s:

Egyptian Students

Egyptian Industry

Egyptian Professors


Staff Costs

Travel flowes




Activity title:

Creation of a system to facilitate feedback loops to invite suggestions on developments in industry and the resulting educational changes needed

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 3 M1

End date:

Year 3 M8

Description of the activity:

      A system will be devised and trialled that

      a) makes it easy for industry representatives to give updates on current trends in their field, and suggest curricula changes they would like to see implemented.

b) facilitates the consideration of these suggestions and discussions if and how they can be implemented

The IMC will support this activity by identifying ways how these activities can be made sustainable as described in 7.1.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

LSBU, Mechatronics e.V, E.ON Ruhrgas

All Egyptian consortia partners

Target group/s:

Egyptian Universities

Egyptian Industry


Staff Costs

Printed Materials



Activity title:

Organisation of Open Days for Industry

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 2 M2

End date:

Year 3 M 8

Description of the activity:

Open days will be organised where future industrial companies can present themselves as potential future employers, advise on required or beneficial qualifications (e.g. soft skills). Promotional material will be designed to increase interest in activity 2.2 and further disseminate the results of the project.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All Egyptian consortia partners,

E.ON Ruhrgas and LSBU

Target group/s:

Egyptian Industry

Egyptian Students


Staff and travel costs

Printed materials

Travel costs





Outcome/output title:

Model mechatronics curriculum compliant with the ECTS system and the Bologna process

Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M3

End date:

Year 3 M9

Related Assumptions

and risks:

Strong interest by Egyptian students in mechatronics continues.  Higher education quality in Egypt continues to require improvement and modernisation at the curricula and qualifications level; demand in R&D by Egyptian industry continues to increase; limited funds continue to restrict the Government’s ability to respond to challenges in higher education development; international stakeholders like UNESCO, EU continue to further their commitment to the Barcelona Process and the “good neighbourhood policy.



Activity title:

Analysis of available mechatronics syllabi and recommendations by
intrest groups, syndicates and governments

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year1 M3

End date:

Year 1 M4

Description of the activity:

      All consortia partners will meet for a SWAT analysis of  already existing mechatronics curricula and discuss the new integrative philosophy of mechatronics  - not a combination of three distinct subjects, but a concept of interdependent ways to find effective solutions to modern engineering challenges. This process will be led by the Mechatronics e.V. who will compare the results with the recommendations it provided to the Higher Education Authorities in Germany. The Egyptian consortia partner will provide information on the specific laws, rules and requirements and provide insights on possible obstacles during implementation and how these can be overcome.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All consortia members

Target group/s:

Egyptian Universities

Egyptian professors


Staff Costs

Travel flows




Activity title:

Conception on the integration of modern teachning methods into the curriculum frame work

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M4

End date:

Year 1 M 11

Description of the activity:

      A strategy will be developed on how the teaching methodologies developed in 1.1 and trained in 1.2 and 1.3 can become an integral part of the curriculum and can be sustained or even developed during routine teaching. A regular review process will assure that the didactical methods developed and trained, are incorporated in a feasible way and are sustainable after the end of the project.  The South Bank University will identify ways on how E-Learning too can be integrated.  This review will be supported by the experiences of Zagazig University and through inter-project coaching from JEP 31007-2003 (e-learning systems for water and environmental studies) that is currently being implemented. The infrastructure established for the later project can also be used for the activities proposed here.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All consortia members

Target group/s:

Egyptian Professors


Staff Costs

Travel flows



Activity title:

Establishment of an undergraduate syllabus, totalling 240 ECTS credit points

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M 4

End date:

Year 1 M12

Description of the activity:

The general structure of the degree and the arrangement of course topics will be established, including distinct teaching lines of interrelated subjects.  A scheme will be developed how courses can build on each other, and reinforce the learning of subject specific knowledge as well as general and transferable skills (soft skills), with the aim to avoid omissions and unnecessary duplication.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All consortia members

Target group/s:

Egyptian Professors

Egyptian Students



Travel flowes

Printing and Publishing





Activity title:

Outline of course and lecture content, compliant with the ECTS
system, and implementation thereof

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M 7

End date:

Year 3 M 9

Description of the activity:

Building on the outcomes of 3.3, a detailed, ECTS compliant description of all subjects taught in the curriculum will be prepared.  The course descriptions include a list of all ILOs (Intended Learning Outcomes) and a description of how they are being transferred and evaluated, as well as a description of the subject related knowledge being taught.  The course descriptions will also form the basis of the diploma supplement that is envisaged to be introduced, once a sufficient number of degrees are ECTS compliant within one or all of the universities.  They will be published on the internet in abridged form as described in 6.2

Students will be requested to record the time taken for every activity in each course, to be able to evaluate if the assumptions made really reflect reality.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All consortia members

Target group/s:

Egyptian Professors

Egyptian Students



Travel flowes

Equipment for practical labs (some is accountef for in 4.2)





Outcome/output title:

Introductory course: Mechatronics for Engineers

Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M5

End date:

Year 3 M 9

Related Assumptions

and risks:

Interest in the holistic approach of mechatronics remains high in industry, at the post graduate level and by students studying related engineering subjects.

Curricular rearrangement in engineering degrees will be approved, where necessary.



Activity title:

Design of course structure and teaching materials

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M5

End date:

Year  M9

Description of the activity:

An introductory course to mechatronics, describing the holistic, incorporative approach will be developed.  This course will emphasise on the philosophy that mechatronics is more than the combination of mechanical, electrical and information technology engineering, but rather an integrated approach to whole systems thinking.  It will be made available to post graduate engineers, and wherever possible undergraduates, studying for related engineering degrees.

The course will be ECTS compliant, total probably 2 but not more than 5 ECTS credit points or 125 - 150 work hours.  An integral part of this course will be the prepared course materials as well as the book described in 5.1.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All consortia members

Target group/s:

Egyptian Engineers

Egyptian Students

Egyptian Industry


Staff Cost

Travel Flowes

Equipment for practical labs



Activity title:

Implementation of course through integraton into undergraduate engineering curricula and as introduction to this new concept for graduates and engineers

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 2 M 1

End date:

Year 3M 9

Description of the activity:

The course developed in 4.1 will be implemented by all Egyptian consortia members, reaching at least 100 participants.  Approval from the Higher Education Ministry, the Syndicate and the Supreme Council of Universities will be sought to be able to implement it as part of the normal undergraduate curriculum for engineers.  A different level of approval from the relevant authorities will be sought for, to offer the course to post graduates and engineers in industry on a cost-price basis during the running of the TEMPUS project, and will contribute to the sustainability of the results after EU financing has seized.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All consortia partners


Target group/s:

Egyptian Engineers

Egyptian Students

Egyptian Industry


Staff Cost

Travel Flowes

Equipment for practical labs




Activity title:

Awareness Rising for new concept and available curricula of
mechatronics in industry

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 2 M1

End date:

Year 3 M9

Description of the activity:

Small and medium enterprises that might not be aware of some recent developments in Engineering will be contacted, and the new approach that mechatronics embodies will be explained.  This awareness rising will be carried out in close cooperation with the Industrial Modernisation Centre – Egypt and other similar organisations, tasked with the updating and modernisation of Egyptian industry.  The primary purpose of the activity is to further increase interest in the course described in 4.2 and enhance the activities carried out in 2.1 (round table with industry), 2.2 (student placements in industry), 2.3 (Industry feedback) and 2.4 (open days for industry).  The contacts and structures established will also be used for the dissemination of the results as described in 6.1 and 6.3.  The industrial support generated will also greatly enhance the sustainability of the project, especially 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All Egyptian consortia members

E.ON Ruhrgas, Mechatronics eV

Target group/s:

Egyptian Engineers

Egyptian Industry


Salary Costs



Outcome/output title:

Introductory course book for the new integrative concept of Mechatronics

Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M1

End date:

Year 2 M9

Related Assumptions

and risks:

A publishing house supports the printing of the book at prices, acceptable for Egyptian students.
Feedback on the quality / relevance of the book by students and colleagues in the field are forthcoming



Activity title:

Writing, design, editing and production of an introductory book in Mechatronics, with an integrative concept

Sub Ref. N°:


Starting date:

Year 1 M1

End date:

Year 2 M9

Description of the activity:

      A comprehensive book, introducing the holistic and integrative concept of mechatronics will be written by specialists in their particular field. However unlike other introductory books, the topics of mechanical, electrical/electronic and software engineering will not be treated as distinct, but as integral parts of an interdepartmental problem solving approach.  The authors will be sourced from the Mechatronics eV and all other consortia partners, as required.  The coordination of the writing and editing process will be carried out by BUoAS. 

      If no international publisher can be identified, the book will be produced locally with some more elements in electronic form to keep printing costs low.  The printing and publishing costs indicated by a publishing house would then be used to create a more substantial electronic version.  However, a printed version is preferable due to the still somewhat limited access to computers by a certain number of students.

The consortium member/s or experts who will carry out the activity:

All consortia members


Target group/s:

Mechatronics students

Mechatronics professors

Mechatronics engineers


Staff costs

Printing and publishing costs



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